Sterilization Definition

Sterilization is a broader term that is used in many ways. However, sterilization meaning in medical terms is to limit the capabilities of an individual to reproduce a living organism. In many countries of the world, women depend on several methods to control their fertility which includes voluntary sterilization whereas it is not a wise choice. It is a process that reduces the capabilities of sexual reproduction.

what is forced sterilization

if any individual denies sterilization or does not gives his/her consent for it then force sterilization occurs. Pressurized sterilization occurs when financial benefits, misinformation, or other techniques are used to compel the individual to agree to the process. Disable women are usually at risk for the forced sterilization performed in observation of legitimate medical care facilities.

Sterilization is performed in many countries on disabled women for multipurpose that involve practices to control the population, personal care, and menstrual management. Many experts claimed that forced sterilization is a bigger part of a denial of human rights and reproductive rights of disabled women. Moreover, the denial also includes the step-by-step exclusion of detailed reproductive and sexual healthcare and limited choices. These practices are traditional and characterize women's disabilities as a tragedy for medical management.

Sterilization for Women and Men

If we look at sterilization meaning, we understand that it is a process of birth control for men and women. Often men and women don’t want to have more children and there are several ways for birth control from which sterilization is a common process. It is called tubal sterilization for women and vasectomy. These procedures are simple and do not cost any amount. However, many individuals have questions about them. Here we will try to explain things systematically in a system away. How should the decision of sterilization be made? As we all know sterilization definition and meaning therefore we should only make this decision if we have decided not to have children in the future. Sterilization definition says losing the capabilities for sexual reproduction but it is not forced, it is decided by an individual or couple. The decision of making yourself sterilized requires deep thought so it should not be made at the time of stress which includes failed pregnancy or divorce. The decision is also not made in case if your partner is teasing you. A group of experts indicated that sterilization is a process that could be reversed but there is no proof that reversal will be beneficial. Moreover, the reversal can lead to some unforeseen circumstances which could be harmful. If you are not sure about t sterilization process, there are many effective ways of birth control such as birth control pills Male/female condomsNatural family planning Women sterilization You must understand the mechanism of female reproductive organisms to have a better idea about women’s sterilization. Every month a woman undergoes several changes which allow her to prepare for pregnancy which is known as the menstrual cycle. It is usually controlled by the levels of hormones of a woman. On the first day you are menstruating and it appears when uterine lining sheds itself through your uterus. On day five hormone levels will rise and after 2 weeks hormones will signal to your ovaries for the production ripe egg which will travel down to your tubes. Here it will wait to be fertilized by a sperm released by your partner. Your hormones will drop down in case the egg has not appeared after 28 days and the whole process has to start again.

In the process of sterilization, a medical expert will seal the fallopian tubes by being surgically cut thus preserving the egg to travel and be fertilized by the sperm. Medical experts have claimed that due to modern technology and advancements, sterilization can be performed through various methods.



Your doctor will examine your health and recommend the procedure accordingly. Moreover. You will be given anesthesia so you do not feel any pain while the procedure. Often women prefer sterilization through tubes soon after they give birth. If the women opt for cesarean birth, she might choose sterilization at the time because it is the right move about and does not require additional hospital stay and sterilization is also effective if it is done along with C-section


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